The display of thiscomputeris so fine thatcan be placed ona napkinoron a cookiesheetlike amore anduse it to takenotes in a meeting Theannual designcontestorganized byMicrosofttypically includeslocking deviceas interesting asthispcnapkin, a computer withavery compactthat boastsa screen with athickness asthin aspaper.Thesenapkins, as defined bythe concept name, workwith technologyin color,havemultitouch capabilitiesand couldconnect to each otherwirelessly.Alsobe communicatedwirelessly with thenapkinthat serves asbasewhen not inuse andwhich integratethe team.
Maybe somedayfindsomeinvention thatavoids the need tocharge the batteryof yourportable gadgets...and some maylook likethis boot-likepartof an exhibition ofmodern art.Aero-calledEand is based ona smallwind turbineplaced outsidewhere the devicecapturesthe windand converts itinto electrical energy.
Since the launch ofthe standardinductive loadQiwe have seen thathave been releasedmany productsto charge yourgadgetssoinalámbria.Buthowever interestingit is,stillusing electricity, apart fromrenewable energy.Therefore, this conceptseems like a goodidea.
EAEROisamagazineconcept, created byLanceCassidy, whoworks onawindturbine.This turbineis installedoutside awindow wherethe windpicks upand turns it intoelectricity.This energy is transmittedto a chargerinside the house, deliveringelectricity toyour phone orothergadgetsthroughinduction.
Another partof the concept isa mobile applicationthat would deliverdata onwind patternsnear thelocation of the userin addition to calculatingtimeloadtime speedwhen loading.Sounds good, we should expectevergofrom concept toreality.
Thiskeeps yourbattery chargedTelephonebysolar energy.It also reduces thepower consumption, limitingfunctions andusinga screen thatshows only theessentialinformation. It is verybasicin terms of functionality(servesonlyto make callsand send andreceive messages), but itsappeal lies inbelonging tothe currentcommitmentdevicesincreasinglyenvironmentallyfriendlyco.TheLeafPhoneis a prototypephone thatinspiresyour design on thephotosynthesisof plantsand incorporatesa set ofsolar cells ontop.Thus, it canonly function with theenergyobtained from thesunalsocan varyits shape andplacedon the wristlike abracelet,so thatimproves thereceptionof lightand keeps thebattery chargedinall times.It alsopromotesthe reduction ofenergy expenditurelimitsporuqeyour screen toa small area withLEDdisplays iconsandtext verybasiclines, which specifythe function thatis conductingthe phone:whenat restorsunas a symbolthatis recharging,etcetera.For the interiors, hasdesignedan adapterthat sitsin the windowand transmits thepowercableto the terminal.
Three prototypesall equipped withlatest generationsensorsthat help trackand detectthe environmentand physiologicalstate of mindof the userto providethemost appropriatedata and servicesat any time.faceWaveHouseis a hugepanoramic screenthat servesdomestic andentreteniminetocenteras a gatewayto the Internetwhennot in use, are coveredby a sheathdecorativeautomatically assigned.
Is almostlikean electric guitar.Its operation is verysimple.the firstis to connect theinstrument to the computeror amplifier.Then heplayssimilar tothe guitar.Thesensorsare pressedmastreplacing thefretsto markthe intonation, while onthe screencontrols the type ofsound, intensity, effects,etc.This surfaceis configuredthroughopen source software, soanyone withknowledgecan contributeideas.Does not sound likean electric ratheran instrumentwith which to makeelectronic music.Still,when you touchsomeone whoknows how,the result is spectacular.You see it inYoutube
Microsoft hasunveiled a prototypeto helpyou manage anygadgetusingonearm. is aninnovative system createdthat turnsthe body into atactilesurfacethat helps managea varietyof devices. the device iscomposed of severalitems placedon a bracelet.while asmall projectorreproducespictureson the skin. its functionis to recognizethe vibrationsproduced by the bodyaccording tohow and where totouch,and thentransmitthe data to acomputer by followingpatternsof correspondence.